Thursday, January 4, 2007

I Am Helplessly, Hopelessly In Love


I’m helplessly and hopelessly in love, by the way, and when I asked her to marry me, she said Yes…
Oh, happy happy, joy joy!
My heart, my soul and my mind are hers, forever.
To think that I might find love at this stage of life and in my situation was unimaginable just a Short while ago.
She changed all that with a smile, a beckoning, a look and a word, “yes.”
When I am alone, I think about her.
When I’m with others, I think about her.
And, when I am with her, I think about her.
I am completely immersed in thoughts about her.
My feelings dangle from my sleeve for all to see.
My silly grin arrives before I do.
I float from place to place, never touching the ground for very long.
Beauty is everywhere, surrounding me and leaving me breathless.
To be touched by her is a gift of heavenly proportions and as all-encompassing.
I miss her the moment we part and live in hope and praise of her until we meet again.
“Hello” from her is a “Welcome Home.”
I shall love Che-Che forever…

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